From Basics to Tools for Materials Creation
By (author): Gérard Ferey (University of Versailles, France)
Devoted to a diverse group of solid state scientists, the book has two objectives, both relating to structural chemistry: (i) a progressive analytic familiarization with the main parameters that govern the organization of crystallized matter and related crystal structures, (ii) a study of what are the various ways to 'read' a structure far beyond its representation in scientific articles. Hence, the reader will, from numerous examples illustrated in color, analyze what are the main characteristics of these structures, from their geometric characteristics, their coordination polyhedra, their connections with the resulting dimensionalities of these solids, including also the defects they exhibit, before looking at possibilities to classify structures, within which recurrence laws can emerge.
Chemists are required to understand the potentials of a new structure for becoming future materials scientists. The first part of the book is by no means a database for known structures, but facilitates a progressive understanding of the organization of the solid state. With these tools in hand, the reader is invited in the later part of the book to analyze new structures, and to also use new concepts for viewing structures in a more synthetic way for the future. Such new vision is already leading to the creation of completely new solids with outstanding characteristics that find applications in societal problems concerning energy, energy savings, environment and health.
The content is not exclusively academic but relates to the creation of innovative materials, through a more physical approach, that might condition the future of materials.
Handbook of Solid State Batteries
Edited by: Nancy J Dudney (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA), William C West (Nagoya University, Japan), Jagjit Nanda (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Solid-state batteries hold the promise of providing energy storage with high volumetric and gravimetric energy densities at high power densities, yet with far less safety issues relative to those associated with conventional liquid or gel-based lithium-ion batteries. Solid-state batteries are envisioned to be useful for a broad spectrum of energy storage applications, including powering automobiles and portable electronic devices, as well as stationary storage and load-leveling of renewably generated energy.
This comprehensive handbook covers a wide range of topics related to solid-state batteries, including advanced enabling characterization techniques, fundamentals of solid-state systems, novel solid electrolyte systems, interfaces, cell-level studies, and three-dimensional architectures. It is directed at physicists, chemists, materials scientists, electrochemists, electrical engineers, battery technologists, and evaluators of present and future generations of power sources. This handbook serves as a reference text providing state-of-the-art reviews on solid-state battery technologies, as well as providing insights into likely future developments in the field. It is extensively annotated with comprehensive references useful to the student and practitioners in the field.
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials
Basics of Imaging and Analysis
Edited by: Nobuo Tanaka (Nagoya University, Japan)
The basics, present status and future prospects of high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) are described in the form of a textbook for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. This volume covers recent achievements in the field of STEM obtained with advanced technologies such as spherical aberration correction, monochromator, high-sensitivity electron energy loss spectroscopy and the software of image mapping. The future prospects chapter also deals with z-slice imaging and confocal STEM for 3D analysis of nanostructured materials.
Optical Properties of Graphene
Edited by: Rolf Binder (University of Arizona, USA)
This book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the optical properties of graphene. During the past decade, graphene, the most ideal and thinnest of all two-dimensional materials, has become one of the most widely studied materials. Its unique properties hold great promise to revolutionize many electronic, optical and opto-electronic devices. The book contains an introductory tutorial and 13 chapters written by experts in areas ranging from fundamental quantum mechanical properties to opto-electronic device applications of graphene.
Thin Films on Silicon
Electronic and Photonic Applications
Edited by: Vijay Narayanan (IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center, USA), Martin M Frank (IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center, USA), Alexander A Demkov (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
This volume provides a broad overview of the fundamental materials science of thin films that use silicon as an active substrate or passive template, with an emphasis on opportunities and challenges for practical applications in electronics and photonics. It covers three materials classes on silicon: Semiconductors such as undoped and doped Si and SiGe, SiC, GaN, and III-V arsenides and phosphides; dielectrics including silicon nitride and high-k, low-k, and electro-optically active oxides; and metals, in particular silicide alloys. The impact of film growth and integration on physical, electrical, and optical properties, and ultimately device performance, is highlighted.
Materials Concepts for Solar Cells
By (author): Thomas Dittrich (Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy, Germany)
This textbook bridges the gap between basic literature on the physics of solar cells and highly specialized books about photovoltaic solar energy conversion. It is intended to give students with a background in engineering, materials science, chemistry or physics a comprehensive introduction to materials concepts for solar cells. To this end, general principles of solar cells and materials demands are explained in the first part of this book. The second part is devoted to the four classes of materials concepts for solar cells: solar cells based on crystals of silicon, epitaxial layer systems of III-V semiconductors, thin-film absorbers on foreign substrates, and nano-composite absorbers.
Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanomaterials
By (author): Dinesh C Agrawal (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
This textbook is aimed primarily at the senior undergraduate and first year graduate students from the various engineering and sciences departments including physics, chemistry, materials engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, bioengineering, and biology. Researchers in the areas of nanomaterials and nanoscience will also find the book useful for building the background necessary to understand the current literature and as a reference book. The text assumes only a basic level of competency in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Some of the background material and introductory matter are included in the first few chapters and as appendices. Although this material may be familiar to some of the students, it is the author's experience after teaching such a course for many years that this can not be taken for granted and moreover, serves as a ready reference to understand the text.
As the area of nanoscience, nanotechnology and nanomaterials is a fast developing one, an approach which equips the students to comprehend the developing field rather than providing a large volume of information is essential. With this in view, while providing a broad perspective, the book emphasizes basics of nanoscience and nanoscale materials and goes into sufficient depth for the reader to be able to handle numerical problems. The treatment is kept at a level which is easily comprehensible to an undergraduate student. Solved examples are provided in each chapter to aid understanding and a set of problems is given at the end of each chapter.
Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Chemistry
Edited by: Yugang Sun (Temple University, USA)
This book concentrates on the emerging area of the utilization of (solar) photon energy for catalyzing useful chemical reactions (also called artificial photosynthesis) including water splitting, CO2 reduction, selective epoxidation, selective alcohol oxidation, coupling reactions, etc. The chapters in this book cover topics ranging from materials design at nanometer scale to nanomaterials synthesis to photocatalytically chemical conversion. This book can serve as a useful reference for those new to this field of research or already engaged in it, from graduate students to postdoctoral fellows and practicing researchers.