Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform that the current issue of the SITA - journal has published yet.
Journal “Scientific Israel - Technological Advantages" Vol.16, № 3, 20143 i
R.N. Rumyantsev, A.A. Ilyin, I.V. Babichev, A.P. Ilyin
Decomposition of Nitric Oxide(I) on the Ferrite with Different Crystal Structures 1
Т.А. Nizina, A.N. Ponomarev, S.N. Kochetkov, D.R. Nizin, A.A. Kozeev
Analysis of Influence Nanomodified Polycarboxylate Plasticizers on Strength
and Rheological Characteristics of Cementitious Composites 6
M. Ioelovich
Effect of Energy Production on the Environment 16
P. Kudryavtsev
Production Technology Development and Creation of Production of Additives
Used in Solid Rocket Propellants 25
O. Figovsky , P. Kudryavtsev
Advanced Nanomaterials Based on Soluble Silicates 36
Catalyst Conformation “Evo®Lution” in Friction Zones of Diamond Like Carbon Films 77
V. Karpachev,V. Savenkov, L. Chesnokovа, N. Voropaeva, S. Charlamov
Development of Innovative Technology of Advanced Macro - and Microfertilizers
Application on Spring Rape Using New (Nano ) Materials 84
O. Birukov, R. Potashnikova, A. Leykin, O. Figovsky, L. Shapovalov
Advantages in Chemistry and Technology of Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane
1. Spray Application of Hybrid Insulation Foam
2. New Nonisocyanate Hydroxyurethane Contained Hardeners for Epoxy Composition 92
K. Rozhetsky
New Synthetic Polymer Structures for Therapeutic Applications 109
S.I. Hango, L.H. Chown, J.W. van der Merwe, F.P.L. Kavishe, L.A. Cornish
Corrosion of Hard Facing Materials Exposed to Mine Water Conditions 110
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• CD version: Euro 40; double issue: Euro 80
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Prof. Figovsky Oleg
Director R&D of INRC Polymate (Israel) and Nanotech Industries, Inc. (USA);
Academician of European Academy of Sciences, RAASN and REA;
President of Israel Association of Inventors; Chairman of the UNESCO chair "Green Chemistry";
Editor-in-Chief of Journals: SITA (Israel), OCJ and ICMS (USA);
Chief of laboratory "Environment Friendly Nanotechnologies" (Kazan State Technical University - KAI);
Distinguish professor of KSTU and VGASU (Russia);
Laureate of the Golden Angel Prize and NASA Nanotech Briefs®’ Nano 50™ Award;
Expert of European Committee, Bashan program (Israel), Rosnano (RF) and CitiBank (USA).